Our classroom is a safe, welcoming, and inclusive learning environment. All people, opinions, and voices will be respected without judgement.
It is my job to support you and help you succeed - I will do my best to make lectures effective, interesting, and engaging. I will listen to your feedback and suggestions to improve my courses throughout the semester. Please don't be afraid to come to office hours if you need help or have any questions, I will always offer my support and guidance.
Below read about Dr. McLean’s current courses.

Dr. McLean currently teaches the BIO 457: Ichthyology Lecture and coordinates the BIO 457L: Ichthyology Lab. Ichthyology is the study of fishes. The lecture introduces students to the diversity, evolutionary history, classification, form and function, ecology, and conservation of fishes. The lab emphasizes these topics by examining the diversity of fishes from the U.S. Southeast region. Dr. McLean’s lectures highlight real world examples, particularly from coral reef fishes, and emerging research findings. The lectures also feature interviews with real-world fish biologists and a heavy emphasis on career and graduate school preparation.
Student Evaluations
Click below to access Dr. McLean’s unedited student evaluations from recent semesters: