Below is a list of publications with current and past lab members/students indicated in bold
* = graduate student
** = undergraduate student
Waldock C, Maire E, Albouy C, Andreoli V, Beger M, Claverie T, Cramer KL, Feary DA, Ferse SCA, Hoey A, Loiseau N, MacNeil MA, McLean M, et al. Micronutrient levels of global tropical reef fish communities differ from fisheries capture. People and Nature
Flandrin U*, Mouillot D, Albouy C, Bejarano S, Casajus N, Cinner J, Edgar GJ, Ghilardi M, Leprieur F, Loiseau N, MacNeil MA, Maire E, McLean M, et al. Fish communities can simultaneously contribute to nature and people across the world’s tropical reefs. One Earth
Maire E, Robinson JPW, McLean M, et al. Managing nutrition-biodiversity trade-offs on coral reefs. Current Biology
Receveur A, Leprieur F, Ellingsen KE, Keith D, Kleisner KM, McLean M, et al. Long-term changes in taxonomic and functional composition of European marine fish communities. Ecography
Mouquet N, Langlois N, Casajus N, Auber A, Flandrin U*, Guilhaumon F, Loiseau N, McLean M, Receveur A, et al. Low human interest for the most at-risk reef fishes worldwide. Science Advances
Sanchez L*, Loiseau N, Edgar GJ, Hautecoeur C*, Leprieur F, Manel S, McLean M, et al. Rarity mediates species-specific responses of tropical reef fishes to protection. Ecology Letters
Chust G, Villarino E, McLean M, et al. Cross-basin and cross-taxa patterns of marine community tropicalization and deborealization in warming European seas. Nature Communications
Coulon N*, Elliott S, Teichert N, Auber A, McLean M, Barreau T, Feunteun E, Carpentier A. Northeast Atlantic elasmobranch community on the move: Functional reorganization in response to climate change. Global Change Biology
Seguin R*, Mouillot D, Cinner J, Stuart-Smith RD, Maire E, Graham NAJ, McLean M, Vigliola L, Loiseau N. Towards process-oriented management of tropical reefs in the anthropocene. Nature Sustainability
Anderson L*, McLean M, Houk P, Graham C, Kanemoto K, Terk E, Mcleod E, Beger M. Co-variation of fish and coral traits in relation to habitat type and fishery status. Coral Reefs
Auber A, Waldock C, Maire A, Goberville E, Albouy C, Algar AC, McLean M, et al. A functional vulnerability framework for biodiversity conservation. Nature Communications
Houk P, McInnis A*, Benavente D, Gaag M, Maxin S, McLean M, et al. Climate change disturbances contextualize the outcomes of coral-reef fisheries management across Micronesia. PLOS Climate
Anderson L*, McLean M, Houk P, Graham C, Kanemoto K, Terk E, Mcleod E, Beger M. Decoupling linked coral and fish trait structure. Marine Ecology Progress Series
McLean M. Functional trade-offs in fish communities. Nature Ecology and Evolution
Mathon L, Marques V*, Mouillot D, Albouy C, Andrello M, Baletaud F, Borrero-Perez GH, Dejean T, Edgar G, Grondin J, Guérin PE, Hocdé R, Juhel JB, Kadarusman K, Maire E, Mariani G, McLean M, et al. Cross-ocean patterns and processes in fish biodiversity on coral reefs through the lens of eDNA metabarcoding. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Mouton TL*, Stephenson F, Albouy C, Torres LG, Rayment W, Broug T, McLean M, Tonkin J, Leprieur F. Spatial mismatch in diversity facets reveals contrasting protection for New Zealand’s cetacean biodiversity. Biological Conservation
Di Pane J, Wiltshire KH, McLean M, Boersma M, Meunier CL. Environmentally induced functional shifts in phytoplankton and their potential consequences for ecosystem functioning. Global Change Biology
Bosch NE*, McLean M, et al. Persistent thermally driven shift in the functional trait structure of herbivorous fishes: evidence of top-down control on the rebound potential of temperate seaweed forests? Global Change Biology
McLean M, Mouillot D, Lindegren M, Engelhard G, Goberville E, Pinsky M, Maureaud A, MacNeil MA, Auber A. Disentangling tropicalization and deborealization in marine ecosystems under climate change. Current Biology
Mouillot D, Loiseau N, Grenié M, Algar AC, Allegra M, Cadotte MW, Casajus N, Denelle P, Guéguen M, Maire A, Maitner B, McGill BJ, McLean M, et al. The dimensionality and structure of species trait spaces. Ecology Letters
McLean M, Stuart-Smith RD, Villéger S, Auber A, Edgar GJ, MacNeil MA, Loiseau N, Leprieur F, Mouillot D. Trait similarity in reef fish faunas across the world’s oceans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
Murgier J*, McLean M, Maire A, Mouillot D, Loiseau N, Munoz F, Violle C, Auber A. Rebound in functional distinctiveness following warming and reduced fishing in the North Sea ecosystem. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Maureaud A, …, McLean M, et al. Are we ready to track climate-driven shifts in marine species across international boundaries? A global survey of scientific bottom trawl data. Global Change Biology
Johnson S*, Yalon A, Reyuw B, McLean M, Houk P. Contextualizing the social-ecological outcomes of coral-reef fisheries management. Biological Conservation
McLean M, Mouillot D, Villéger S, Graham NAJ, Auber A. Interspecific differences in environmental response blur trait dynamics in classic statistical analyses. Marine Biology
McLean M, Mouillot D, Lindegren M, Engelhard G, Villéger S, Murgier J*, Auber A. Fish communities divergence in species but converge in traits over three decades of warming. Global Change Biology
McLean M, Auber A, Graham NAJ, Houk P, Villéger S, Thuiller W, Violle C, Wilson SK, Mouillot D. Trait structure and redundancy determine sensitivity to disturbance in marine fish communities. Global Change Biology
McLean M, Mouillot D, Gascoaz N, Schlaich I, Auber A. Functional reorganization of marine fish nurseries under climate warming. Global Change Biology
McLean M, Mouillot D, Auber A. Ecological and life-history traits explain a climate induced shift in a temperate marine fish community. Marine Ecology Progress Series
McLean M, Mouillot D, Lindegren M, Engelhard G, Villéger S, Marchal P, Brind’Amour A, Auber A. A climate-driven functional inversion of connected marine ecosystems. Current Biology
McLean M, Lonzarich D. An investigation of lepidophagy (scale-eating) in Cyprinodon pupfishes on San Salvador Island, Bahamas. Copeia
Houk P, Tilfas R, Luckymis M, Nedlic O, Ned B, Cuetos-Bueno J, Mclean M. An applied framework to assess exploitation and guide management of coral-reef fisheries. Ecosphere
McLean M, Cuetos-Bueno J, Nedlic O, Luckymis M, Houk P. Local stressors, resilience, and shifting baselines on coral reefs. PLOS One
Houk P, Camacho R, Johnson S*, McLean M, et al. The Micronesia Challenge: Assessing the relative contribution of stressors on coral reefs to facilitate science-to-management feedback. PLOS One